Mungbean pancakes and cabbage rolls
Today we finished the last left-overs of the cabbage rolls, including two hamburgers.
A Swedish way would have been to make a potato pancake – called Raggmunk. I might do a recipe of that as well. But we didn’t have any potatoes. What we did have were mungbeans. And I’ve made Korean mungbean pancakes as a party snack before and we didn’t want to eat another potato dish.
You’ll need this for 8 small pancakes:
- 200 ml of dried mungbeans without skin (they are yellow)
- 1 springonion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
- salt and pepper to taste.
Start with soaking the mungbeans in some water for an hour. Chop the spring onion.
Drain the water and rinse one-two times. Put the beans in a bowl or container that allows you to mix them with a mixer. I only have a handmixer but these beans just turn into a paste really easy. It should have a firmer hommos consistency. After mixing, add spring onion, sesame oil, salt and pepper and press in the garlic. Stir.
Heat up some oil in a pan on medium-high heat. Use one tablespoon of paste for one small pancake and spread it out to circles of about 7 cm in diameter. Fry on both sides for a few minutes.
Serve with a dipping sauce made out of soy and rice vinegar.
Or like we did, with the left-overs from yesterday: Cabbage rolls including hamburgers -hamburger set-up using the pancake as “bread” is optional – and the sauce (which didn’t taste so much the day after, I have to say) and a orange-feta-walnut salad. Voila!
I’ll hope you’ll enjoy the pancakes as a snack or side-dish!
Thanks for reading.