Tasting Japanese Kit-Kats

After another long hiatus I’m back with my blog. I don’t seem to be able to get into the habit of blogging. After an entire day at the office, which is more or less 8 hours in front of the computer, it doesn’t feel so tempting to set up the laptop and start writing. I’m going to start doing a little everyday instead, if from that one blog post per week comes out, I’m happy.
A friend went to Japan and she brought me back kitkats and during a party we got to try Sukiyaki pringles.

First I tried the Sakura Matcha.

It had a sweet smell and the taste was actually mostly just sweet, but it had a creamy taste, so actually pretty nice.
Hokkaido Melon does really smell like melon and tastes like melon as well. This was my favorite of the bunch!

Kyoho Grape smells synthetic and is not very nice, it was like bad chewing gum.

The wasabi kitkat doesn’t really smell of anything. The taste is mostly sweet and afterwards a wave of wasabi mixed with sweet comes in. I can’t decide if I like it or not.

Green tea has a nice green tea smell and tastes like green tea. I liked it.

After a bbq one evening a group of friends and I got to sample the sukiyaki pringles. They were very flavourful: a bit of chicken stock taste mixed with salt, it worked great with beer!

All in all, the packaging of the kitkats was really pretty and most of the flavours were good, my list is as follows.
- Melon
- Green Tea
- Sakura Matcha
- Wasabi
- Grape.
Can’t wait to visit the country myself and sample some more. Now I just wonder how/if the kitkats that were left over survived this hot weather…